Hi, I’m Petrina!
And I want to help you build a financial foundation by giving you tips, tools and strategies on ways to manage money and make more of it!
Our family was able to pay off $40,000 in 21-months and fully fund our savings, allowing me to start our family’s journey to becoming financially free!
Do You Want To Take Control of Your Money & Be F.R.E.E.?
If you need tools and resources to become financially free, visit the “Learn With Petrina” page to learn about upcoming virtual MasterClasses, Digital Workbooks, One-on-One Strategy Sessions, Legacy Building Academy and more.
Services We Provide
Schools & Organizations: Speaking & Training
Money management (or the lack thereof) causes stress, anxiety, illness and even decreased performance at work. Let Petrina help motivate your employees to build a financial foundation, so they can live their best life.
Individuals: One-on-One Strategy Sessions
Work one-on-one with Petrina and let her help you create monthly budgets, assist you in creating a side hustle, aid in helping you set-up processes to grow your existing business online, or just “Pick Her Brain.”
Free Resources: Be FREE Challenge
If you need some motivation to start saving, create that side hustle or want to start the conversation on how to live in “financial harmony” with your spouse, sign up for our free challenges so you can be well on your way to being FREE!
About Petrina
Petrina Turner is a wife, mom, speaker, trainer and Personal Finance and Business Strategist who educates, empowers and encourages people on ways to manage their money (budgeting, saving, becoming debt free) and make more of it (using skills to increase income) so they can live their best life and BE FREE!